List of Sites


List of the BLOG sites that cover the Alan Sokal 
.......Science and Neuroscience  WARS 
(year 1997 to today ... May 2021)

and the

CP Snow .... TWO CULTURES lecture and book 
(1959) .... and subsequent battles from 1959 thru today 
(May year 2021)

CLICK on title to access the directory .....

each directory list 100's of reports.

Z020 - Project Plan Z directory

Z020 - Directory for Herb Zinser reports

Z021 Herb Zinser site map

Z120 - Herb   Zinser's Science reports

DATA Information Pointers 
Hawking's signaling EVENTS

Z121 - Directory

Z320 - List of posts by Herb Zinser

Z321 - Herb Zinser's Analysis Reports

Z420 - 01 Herb Zinser's Science Reports 

Z421 - Directory

Z520 - 01 Herb Zinser's Science Analysis Reports


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